stock_dimension = len(trade.tic.unique())
state_space = 1 + 2 * stock_dimension + len(INDICATORS) * stock_dimension
print(f"Stock Dimension: {stock_dimension}, State Space: {state_space}")
buy_cost_list = sell_cost_list = [0.001] * stock_dimension
num_stock_shares = [0] * stock_dimension
env_kwargs = {
"hmax": 100,
"initial_amount": 1000000,
"num_stock_shares": num_stock_shares,
"buy_cost_pct": buy_cost_list,
"sell_cost_pct": sell_cost_list,
"state_space": state_space,
"stock_dim": stock_dimension,
"tech_indicator_list": INDICATORS,
"action_space": stock_dimension,
"reward_scaling": 1e-4
e_trade_gym = StockTradingEnv(df = trade, turbulence_threshold = 70,risk_indicator_col='vix', **env_kwargs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from stable_baselines3 import A2C, DDPG, PPO, SAC, TD3
from finrl.agents.stablebaselines3.models import DRLAgent
from finrl.config import INDICATORS, TRAINED_MODEL_DIR
from finrl.meta.env_stock_trading.env_stocktrading import StockTradingEnv
from finrl.meta.preprocessor.yahoodownloader import YahooDownloader
train = pd.read_csv('train_data.csv')
trade = pd.read_csv('trade_data.csv')
# If you are not using the data generated from part 1 of this tutorial, make sure
# it has the columns and index in the form that could be make into the environment.
# Then you can comment and skip the following lines.
train = train.set_index(train.columns[0])
train.index.names = ['']
trade = trade.set_index(trade.columns[0])
trade.index.names = ['']
if_using_a2c = True
if_using_ddpg = True
if_using_ppo = True
if_using_td3 = True
if_using_sac = True
trained_a2c = A2C.load(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR + "/agent_a2c") if if_using_a2c else None
trained_ddpg = DDPG.load(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR + "/agent_ddpg") if if_using_ddpg else None
trained_ppo = PPO.load(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR + "/agent_ppo") if if_using_ppo else None
trained_td3 = TD3.load(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR + "/agent_td3") if if_using_td3 else None
trained_sac = SAC.load(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR + "/agent_sac") if if_using_sac else None
stock_dimension = len(trade.tic.unique())
state_space = 1 + 2 * stock_dimension + len(INDICATORS) * stock_dimension
print(f"Stock Dimension: {stock_dimension}, State Space: {state_space}")
buy_cost_list = sell_cost_list = [0.001] * stock_dimension
num_stock_shares = [0] * stock_dimension
env_kwargs = {
"hmax": 100,
"initial_amount": 1000000,
"num_stock_shares": num_stock_shares,
"buy_cost_pct": buy_cost_list,
"sell_cost_pct": sell_cost_list,
"state_space": state_space,
"stock_dim": stock_dimension,
"tech_indicator_list": INDICATORS,
"action_space": stock_dimension,
"reward_scaling": 1e-4
e_trade_gym = StockTradingEnv(df = trade, turbulence_threshold = 70,risk_indicator_col='vix', **env_kwargs)
# env_trade, obs_trade = e_trade_gym.get_sb_env()
df_account_value_a2c, df_actions_a2c = DRLAgent.DRL_prediction(
environment = e_trade_gym) if if_using_a2c else (None, None)
df_account_value_ddpg, df_actions_ddpg = DRLAgent.DRL_prediction(
environment = e_trade_gym) if if_using_ddpg else (None, None)
df_account_value_ppo, df_actions_ppo = DRLAgent.DRL_prediction(
environment = e_trade_gym) if if_using_ppo else (None, None)
df_account_value_td3, df_actions_td3 = DRLAgent.DRL_prediction(
environment = e_trade_gym) if if_using_td3 else (None, None)
df_account_value_sac, df_actions_sac = DRLAgent.DRL_prediction(
environment = e_trade_gym) if if_using_sac else (None, None)
##### Mean Variance Optimization
def process_df_for_mvo(df):
return df.pivot(index="date", columns="tic", values="close")
# Codes in this section partially refer to Dr G A Vijayalakshmi Pai
def StockReturnsComputing(StockPrice, Rows, Columns):
import numpy as np
StockReturn = np.zeros([Rows-1, Columns])
for j in range(Columns): # j: Assets
for i in range(Rows-1): # i: Daily Prices
StockReturn[i,j]=((StockPrice[i+1, j]-StockPrice[i,j])/StockPrice[i,j])* 100
return StockReturn
StockData = process_df_for_mvo(train)
TradeData = process_df_for_mvo(trade)
#compute asset returns
arStockPrices = np.asarray(StockData)
[Rows, Cols]=arStockPrices.shape
arReturns = StockReturnsComputing(arStockPrices, Rows, Cols)
#compute mean returns and variance covariance matrix of returns
meanReturns = np.mean(arReturns, axis = 0)
covReturns = np.cov(arReturns, rowvar=False)
#set precision for printing results
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress = True)
#display mean returns and variance-covariance matrix of returns
print('Mean returns of assets in k-portfolio 1\n', meanReturns)
print('Variance-Covariance matrix of returns\n', covReturns)
##### Use PyPortfolioOpt
from pypfopt.efficient_frontier import EfficientFrontier
ef_mean = EfficientFrontier(meanReturns, covReturns, weight_bounds=(0, 0.5))
raw_weights_mean = ef_mean.max_sharpe()
cleaned_weights_mean = ef_mean.clean_weights()
mvo_weights = np.array([1000000 * cleaned_weights_mean[i] for i in range(len(cleaned_weights_mean))])
LastPrice = np.array([1/p for p in StockData.tail(1).to_numpy()[0]])
Initial_Portfolio = np.multiply(mvo_weights, LastPrice)
Portfolio_Assets = TradeData @ Initial_Portfolio
MVO_result = pd.DataFrame(Portfolio_Assets, columns=["Mean Var"])
##### Part 4: DJIA index
TRAIN_START_DATE = '2009-01-01'
TRAIN_END_DATE = '2020-07-01'
TRADE_START_DATE = '2020-07-01'
TRADE_END_DATE = '2021-10-29'
df_dji = YahooDownloader(
start_date=TRADE_START_DATE, end_date=TRADE_END_DATE, ticker_list=["dji"]
df_dji = df_dji[["date", "close"]]
fst_day = df_dji["close"][0]
dji = pd.merge(
##### Part 5: Backtesting Results
df_result_a2c = (
if if_using_a2c
else None
df_result_ddpg = (
if if_using_ddpg
else None
df_result_ppo = (
if if_using_ppo
else None
df_result_td3 = (
if if_using_td3
else None
df_result_sac = (
if if_using_sac
else None
result = pd.DataFrame(
"a2c": df_result_a2c["account_value"] if if_using_a2c else None,
"ddpg": df_result_ddpg["account_value"] if if_using_ddpg else None,
"ppo": df_result_ppo["account_value"] if if_using_ppo else None,
"td3": df_result_td3["account_value"] if if_using_td3 else None,
"sac": df_result_sac["account_value"] if if_using_sac else None,
"mvo": MVO_result["Mean Var"],
"dji": dji["close"],
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,5)
plt.savefig("result_plot.png") # 保存圖像為PNG文件
將所有DRL的績效與MVO與DJI的績效畫在同一張圖中,圖中的Y軸是Account Value (投入總額為1)